Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Transgender Day of Visibility

Today marks a special day within the LGBT community, International Transgender Day of Visibility. A day devoted to raising awareness for the Trans* community and celebrating Trans* people all over the globe.

It truly baffles me how people still have the nerve and stupidity to be transphobic in this day and age. Sometimes who we are inside doesn't match who we are on the outside at first, but no one should live in fear of showing the world exactly who they are. Be proud of who you are and the journey you took to get there.

For those you reading who are Trans*, you are amazing and strong. Don't let the assholes in this world beat you down or break your spirit. The world might be slow to change, but it is changing nonetheless.

Whether you are a member of the Trans* community, or simply an ally like myself, please take the time today to be spread love and visibility for all Trans* people, not just the ones you know.