Thursday, June 14, 2012

Voting on basic human rights

Well, yesterday I found out some less then stellar news. Washington state will now vote on whether or not marriage equality will be legal in their state. As I am from, and live, in Washington, finding out about this made me horrendously angry. I remember hearing several months back of the Governor signing the bill to make gay marriage legal in Washington and for a moment, I felt proud of be a Washingtonian. Now, however, I just shake my head at my state's stupidity.

The reason why this is now going to a vote is people against marriage equality apparently turned in 247,331 signatures on petitions against the law. They only needed 120,577....... Needless to say their petitions worked and now we get to vote come November. A recent poll, however, has show that 54% of Washington voters believe LGBT members should have the right to marry. This makes me feel a bit better, but I'm still dreading November. Washington is 1 of 4 states that will vote on this issue come November. The other 3 states being Maine, Maryland, and Minnesota.

To this news I ask, why are we voting for a basic human right? If the right to marry someone is left to a vote by the public for people that are lesbian or gay or bi then why aren't straight marriages? Keeping two men or two women from marrying isn't any different then not allowing a black man and a white woman to marry. Come November, I hope to hell the polls show that most people are bigoted assholes. Instead, I hope they show the bigots of this state that times have changed and the time for marriage equality is NOW.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A return at last!

I am so very sorry for disappearing like that for so long. I started to get a bit discouraged and then life got a bit hectic. However, tonight I was once again reminded of how much I truly love the LGBT community and how accepting they are. On Facebook I am a fan of a page called Have A Gay Day. It is a really great page that is just all about spreading rainbow cheer and support to all (you should check it out! seriously! go go! well finish reading, but then go! =D ). Anyway, tonight they told their readers to ask them any questions or give them any comments they had. I simply saying how much I truly love their page and that it brightens my day. I also told them that I, myself, am not an LGBT community member because I'm straight, but I am a HUGE supporter and an ally. They responded to me with this:

Have A Gay Day:Amanda... I totally appreciate you... We are all under the same rainbow when it soars across the sky. I like to think the same thing for our lives. We are in different places but we are still effected in our own ways. ♥ You so much for being here. Now the question... As an ally...Send me a message sometime and tell me what would make you feel more at home here. I want everyone to feel welcome!
Just having this directed at me online made me feel so wanted and appreciated. I want everyone to feel this way, and I want to pass on my own message to everyone in the LGBT Community -
I APPRECIATE and LOVE you all! You all are my heroes and you deserve every bit of happiness in the world. Please know that if you are EVER put down or bullied or hated against, you ARE loved and cared about. Even by people you don't actually know.
All my love and support