Have A Gay Day:Amanda... I totally appreciate you... We are all under the same rainbow when it soars across the sky. I like to think the same thing for our lives. We are in different places but we are still effected in our own ways. ♥ You so much for being here. Now the question... As an ally...Send me a message sometime and tell me what would make you feel more at home here. I want everyone to feel welcome!
Just having this directed at me online made me feel so wanted and appreciated. I want everyone to feel this way, and I want to pass on my own message to everyone in the LGBT Community -
I APPRECIATE and LOVE you all! You all are my heroes and you deserve every bit of happiness in the world. Please know that if you are EVER put down or bullied or hated against, you ARE loved and cared about. Even by people you don't actually know.
All my love and support
aawww! <3