Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Watching Presidential Debates.....

Well cue headache.......... at least that's how I feel right now. I'm watching the first Presidential Debate (I don't have cable and there isn't anything else on) and even though I muted it so I could just read along, I still want to punch Mitt Romney in his ugly, square, bigoted head.

They haven't even got to talking about anything LGBT related yet, just taxes and the economy and medicare, but Mitt Romney has been nothing but rude, pushy, and annoying. Frankly, President Obama has a lot more self restraint then I would if I were him!

Anyway, sorry for the annoying political rant, but this election is actually the first one I'm invested in. Maybe because it's the first I am able to actually vote on, or because of how much I care about the LGBT community. This election is definitely crucial to the LGBT community here in the US though. Make no mistake about that. Obama is the FIRST president to actually come out and admit he supports same-sex marriage while he was in office! If Mitt Romney is elected so many milestones will be erased from the last 4 years for this amazing community! WE CAN NOT LET THAT HAPPEN! Romney doesn't support same-sex marriage, he will try to put Don't Ask, Don't Tell back into place, he isn't an LGBT supporter in anyway and does not deserve to run this country!

DADT just passed it's 1 year mark of being repealed. I, for one, do not want to see this back in effect. Do you?  All other issues aside, Romney will be horrible for the LGBT community and does not see LGBT members as 1st class citizens. He will set us back further then before if elected. Join others like me and help keep Mitt "the twit" Romney out of the White House!

Thanks for letting me rant. I love you guys! and girls! and neutrals! You're all amazing! Now go let your sparkly selves shine ;) Come back soon!!


1 comment:

  1. If the scuttlebutt's true, Gary Johnson left the Republican Party at least in part due to this issue. He's right: marriage is too entrenched in law and culture for the nation to offer anything less than equality.

    Times do change, even with regrettable slowness.

    Between the two who were allowed into the debates, I have to admit, I'm glad Romney doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell.

    If the LP will be pooling their votes with the RP again this year, I think I'll just find a nice socialist fourth party to vote for. Forgive me for refusing to touch the two party system under any circumstances, but I promise at least to not to make it worse.


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