Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Good News in the World of HIV Research!

Hows abouts an upbeat post today my lovelies? Well, have I got some news that should make many people at least smile or feel hopeful!

Recently, two women down in South Africa may have unlocked a secret that could lead the medical world to developing a vaccine against HIV! Studies by the Center for the AIDS Program of Research in South Africa have revealed that these two HIV positive women's bodies created antibodies that were able to neutralize and kill off 88% of the virus in their bodies. The scientists are hoping that by studying these antibodies, they will be able to create a virus that, when administered, can create similar antibodies to neutralize and kill the virus in other HIV patients.

The way HIV strands keep themselves protected is they create a barrier of sugar called glycan. Normal antibodies are useless to glycan, but the antibodies created by these women's bodies actually bonded WITH the glycan to prevent the HIV strands from infecting healthy cells.

The article is more lengthy and detailed so I encourage you all to go read it yourselves! Here is the link!


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