Thursday, November 8, 2012

This Is Our Time Now!

Times are changing my friends, and for the better. These past few days were some extremely exciting and uplifting days for the LGBT community here in the US!

As many of you are already aware, Tuesday was our presidential election day. The whole evening had me ridiculously edgy and nervous, but at the end of the day the LGBT community could breath one huge sigh of relief. President Barack Obama was officially RE-ELECTED!!!! Obama is the first and only president who has OPENLY supported gay rights and marriage equality. I can't wait to see what he accomplishes in the next 4 years.

But that was not the only exciting thing to occur on election day for the LGBT Community, oh no. Three, count them, THREE more states made same-sex marriage LEGAL. Maryland, Maine, and Washington now join Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, and New York as well as Washington D.C. on the list of places where it is legal to get married to someone the same gender as yourself in the United States. Yup! That means Referendum 74 that I was going on about? It passed! This might not seem like a big list, only 9 states and the US Capital, but it is 3 more states then we had last week. Not to mention it shows that this country is finally moving the right direction. I, for one, am finally proud to be a Washington resident. =)

Finally, there is one more piece of exciting LGBT news from election day. Wisconsin's senate race ended with the win going to democrat Tammy Baldwin. Ms. Baldwin is now this nation's very FIRST openly gay U.S. senator.  This is a huge win to the LGBT community. It means there is a community voice actually in the senate for once.

I can't help but feel like this country is finally headed in a good direction, and I was a proud American this week.

Hugs! xoxo

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