Thursday, September 27, 2012

Trevor Project Day!

HAPPY TREVOR PROJECT DAY! Today The Trevor Project hosted Trevor Project Day at their West Hollywood office in order to raise awareness for the project and all it does to prevent suicide in our LGBT youth. In honor of that, I decided it would be good to do a post about The Trevor Project for those that don't know about it.

Formed in 1998 by James Lecesne, Peggy Rajski and Randy Stone, The Trevor Project strives to help raise awareness of the seriousness of suicide amongst the LGBT youth and give help to those youths. These three amazing people formed the project after they created a film in 1994 called Trevor in which the main character, a 13 year old boy named Trevor, is bullied for being gay and having a crush on the school's popular boy. Trevor attempts to take his own life. After HBO aired this film, the creators realized there were probably a lot of youth that felt like Trevor did, and there was no lifeline for them to call for help. Therefore, they created one. Since it's start in 1998, The Trevor Project has fielded over 200,000 calls from LGBT youth and young adults needing help with their struggle with suicide. They currently have over 600 volunteers and over 200 lifeline counselors.

The statistics for LGBT youth and young adults are staggering. I hope there is at least one person out there that will read these and get a wake up call because it's time for one.
  • Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death amongst youth and young adults ages 10 to 24 (12.2%) and is THE leading cause of death amongst those in that age group that are LGBT. 
  •  Youth that are LGB (Lesbian, Gay, or Bisexual) are 4 times more likely to commit suicide. Questioning youth are 3 times more likely. 
  • 25% of LGBT youth that are in a NEGATIVE environment  have attempted suicide as opposed to 20% of LGBT youth that are in a POSITIVE environment.
  • Nearly HALF of all transgender youth have already attempted suicide. 
These are just a few statistics to get you thinking. A huge reason for these high statistics is, unfortunately, due to peers. Even if LGBT youth have a supportive home life, bullying at school and in clubs can cause those youths to be at risk. This is why stopping bullying in schools is just as important as teaching acceptance and support to parents and guardians. 

The Trevor Project does really great work for today's youth and needs to be supported. I, myself, have used their chat feature to talk to representative about my own struggles, and they definitely are people that are caring and knowledgeable to help. They offer a forum for questions on their website called Ask Trevor as well as a daytime chat feature for those not needing emergency help, just support or general help, called Trevor Chat.They also have a very information filled website in general and a Facebook page.Then there is their lifeline for those needing immediate help. There is absolutely nothing to feel embarrassed or shameful about calling them. They are there to help - all day, every day 24/7 on any LGBT issue.

I know how it feels to think you have nothing left to give this world, to get to the end of your rope with depression or frustration or fear, and to feel like you just need out. I know what it's like to struggle with accepting a part of yourself and to be bullied for being different or "weird". I've been there, some days I'm still there. As hard as it can be, don't give up, believe there is hope, and find help, just someone you can talk to because there is someone out there, I promise.
If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts and are an LGBT youth or young adult, PLEASE contact The Trevor Project because you are WORTH it. Contact Trevor at 866-488-7386.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Be Proud Of Our LGBT Kids

Yesterday, I read something posted online by a Facebook LGBT fan page that left me troubled and disturbed.They had posted just a picture of the conversation so, unfortunately, I couldn't post anything in response as the page took it down after they responded.

A person had left a comment on the page about gay people being disgusting, and they should do the world a favor and just commit suicide. Now that already really infuriated me! However, it gets worse. After a few series of back and forth comments between the bigot and the page, the page made a comment saying they hoped the man never had children to teach his hate to. The man actually said if any of his kids ever did actually come out as gay he would DROWN them. No, I'm not joking. He even put it in caps like that as well.

So I have to wonder, WHY IN THE HELL WOULD SOMEONE EVEN THREATEN THAT!!? How can anyone say that about their own CHILD? When you have children, you love them UNCONDITIONALLY. They are a part of you. It doesn't matter if they are your own flesh and blood, children by marriage, or adopted. They are still your kids! I seriously don't understand how people can see being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, asexual or anything else different as being something so bad that it erases ANY love you have for your child. All it'll really end up meaning is that, one day, you'll get a daughter in law where you were expecting a son in law or vice versa. It could also mean that you started out with a daughter, but ended up with a son. I know that one is something harder for people to grasp, but either way they are still the same little kid you raised. Cher had a daughter named Chastity, but now she has a son named Chaz. Cher accepted her son when he came out as being transgender. That is what a parent is SUPPOSED to do. Accept their child no matter what.

If you're really shallow, here's a pro of having a gay child! Having a son that likes boys or a daughter that likes girls means when they hit those annoying teenage years, you never have to worry about things like teenage pregnancy! I know that's not an actual worry for all straight teens and their parents, but without a straight kid it'll never even be a passing thought! =) Yes, that may be a low point to point out, but I heard someone say it once very cheerily, and it made me smile. I hope it made someone else do that as well.

I want everyone who has kids or wants kids someday to think about this post. If your kid ever came out to you one day, how would you react? Would you decide to be a bigot or would you be the parent your child deserves? Support your kids no matter how they may be different from the majority. Every child is special and unique. Is being gay really that bad? I think it's a blessing. I'd be so proud to have a child that was gay or lesbian or bi or transgender or anything else that's considered "not normal" for that matter. I'd throw them a party for coming out and march down to sign up for PFLAG immediately. Your kids are YOURS, no matter what.

Hope this post will make you all think. <3

Love & Hugs 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

More News From This Summer

Alright, I know I already made one post tonight, but I forgot to add some things I wanted to bring up that has to do with the LGBT community and pop culture!

First of all, earlier this year I touched on how I was surprised, for some reason, to find out people like Will Smith and Jay-Z are same-sex marriage and gay rights supporters. To that list, I can now add other amazing people like Betty White, Josh Hutcherson, Willie Nelson, the cast of a show called Teen Wolf, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Drew Barrymore, Charles Barkley, Sean Avery (New York Rangers), Anne Hathaway, Daniel Radcliffe, Steven Spielberg, Sean Penn, P!nk, Natalie Portman, George Clooney, Hudson Taylor (wrestler), Jennifer Aniston, and George Carlin as well as tons more I'm sure! These are just the people I have learned about in the last few months that are pro-LGBT. =D

On a minor note, apparently Paris Hilton finds gay men "disgusting" and thinks "they all have AIDS". WOW! and here I thought she couldn't get any more dumb or ignorant....

Secondly, who else was outraged at Chick-Fil-A these past few months?! I know I was and still am! For those of you not sure what happened or that are out of the loop, allow me to explain. Chick-Fil-A's, a popular fast-food chain, COO released several statements earlier this summer (in June and July) about how they support "traditional marriage"and  that those who support same-sex marriage and "have the audacity to define what marriage is about" were "inviting God's judgment on our nation". In response, the Jim Henderson Company (The Muppets) refused to continue doing business with the corporation! The company had the license to the toys Chick-Fil-A were using in their kid's meals. They then revoked that agreement and said they would donate the payment of said toys to the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). The Mayor of Boston and Alderman of Chicago both expressed hopes to ban the chain from their cities. Things really came to a head when it was discovered that the restaurant chain had been donating funds to organizations against same-sex marriage! While many people decided to attend Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day on August 1, 2012, protesters of the chain retaliated in kind. They organized boycotts and created "Kiss Day" for same-sex couples to show up at Chick-Fil-A's all over the nation and, as the name suggests, kiss. :) Since then, as of September 2012, the Civil Rights Agenda released a statement saying Chick-Fil-A has  "ceased donating to organizations that promote discrimination, specifically against LGBT civil rights." However, Mike Huckabee (ew) and Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy have both released statements to reject the Civil Rights Agenda's remark. So in conclusion, DON'T SUPPORT CHICK-FIL-A! :)

Finally, I would like point out something curious I've been noticing. TV shows, especially in the last few years, have really started to promote having LGBT characters in their shows. As far as new shows this fall goes, the new CBS show "Partners" looks really funny and enjoyable. It's about best friends/business partners and their lives with one being straight and the other being gay. Matthew Perry's new show on NBC called "Go On" has him in a support group for life change and there is a lady in the group who lost her spouse. The spouse's name is revealed to be Patricia. The fact that this woman's dead spouse was also a woman and that they apparently had kids is treated like any other person who lost a spouse. The show doesn't try to capitalize on the fact that she happens to be a lesbian. I found it really surprising and refreshing! This is how TV and movies should be from now on! Just treating LGBT characters the exact same as straight ones without anyone going "You're gay?!" etc. Last, a new show I really like and that is really worth checking out is called "The New Normal" and is also on NBC. This show is about a couple, both men, and their journey of creating a family. They decide to use a surrogate, who is a really nice, quirky woman with a 9 year old daughter. The show is both funny and really endearing. I am SO excited to see LGBT characters becoming a norm in prime time US television. Frankly, in my opinion, it's about DAMN TIME!

Back From Hiatus!!

I'm finally back! I am SO sorry for not posting anything all summer! Work got busy, and I lost myself for a while there as well. Despite the fact that I haven't put up a post since June, I want everyone who happens to see this blog to know that I never forgot and I never stopped caring. Being an Ally is something that I am SO proud is a part of me and is something that will never go away. Actually, as time goes on and I meet more LGBT members, find more pages devoted to the wondrous LGBT community, and learn more about LGBT issues, the more proud I am of being an Ally. It makes me feel like I have a bit of purpose and definitely a sense of fitting in. So once again I'm so sorry to have been MIA for so long. I promise to do my best to update on a more regular basis. =) Now onto the informative section..........

A lot has been happening in the last few months in the LGBT world. Here in my own state of Washington, we are gearing up to vote on Referendum 74. Enough signatures were gathered earlier this year and on June 12, 2012 state officials announced that enough signatures were gathered to place the referendum on the ballot come November 6. To those of you that aren't in Washington, or even in the US, let me break down what R-74 would do. Referendum 74 would either approve or reject, depending on the vote, the February 2012 bill that would make same-sex marriage in Washington state LEGAL. Yes legal! That would make Washington state only the 7th state in the nation to allow same-sex marriages. While this would be still a big win, the number makes it pretty sad. As of right now only 6, SIX, states say same-sex marriage is legal (New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Iowa, New Hampshire, and Vermont). So November is shaping up to be a very nervous month for myself, and many others, as this Referendum will be put to vote here in Washington AND the Presidential election votes are in that month as well. (I'm already an Obama fan, but it is extremely crucial to the LGBT community that Mitt "the twit" Romney doesn't get elected.) As of right now the two organisations for and against R-74 are Washington United for Marriage (for) and Preserve Marriage Washington (against). I am happy to announce, however, that as of July 3, 2012 Preserve Marriage Washington had raised $132,000 for rejection votes while Washington United for Marriage had raised $1.9 million in approval votes! August showed a 13 to 1 fundraising advantage in favor of marriage equality as well. Finally, the most recent R-74 survey (Sept. 9 - 12) had 12% undecided, 37% against, and 51% in favor of. So I'm not getting overly confident that we'll win this vote come November, but I do have hope for this state!

Phew! OK sorry for all the political ramblings. Now I mentioned before visiting  pages devoted to the LGBT community. There is one that is both informative and really joyful/happy that I want to recognize and recommend to those of you that use Facebook. It's called Have A Gay Day ( and it's a site that brightens my day everyday! I've mentioned it briefly before and would just like to mention it again. The people there are super nice and answer any questions people have as well as post bright, happy pictures that will really make anyone's day a little brighter and every once in a while they have things called Rainbow Takeovers! So please, if you use FB, check it out and let them know how much you like them!

Now I know there is more news then that, but I don't want to overload you with so much in just one post! I do have something to share with you all, but I'm still trying to figure out how to share it......... if that made any sense at all! haha! Post soon! Promise!

Love you all!!! xoxoxo